About the gym. It's not really a gym per se since they have zero machines (except for the Power Plate). You will find suspension cords, kettlebells, weights, medicine balls, jumping ropes, and resistance bands. They define their gym as a functional fitness circuit training. They have 20 stops in the circuit and it is indicated on the rubber mats. You have to do 20 different workouts in the span of 10 minutes (30 seconds per stop) to complete a circuit. It has level 1 to level 5 depending on your fitness level (or how hard you want to punish yourself). It's like cadet training back in high school!
It started out easy as your body is warming up. And then it gets intense as you go along. I was thinking this was easy and I would definitely get bored after one round. And man, I was so wrong! Halfway into it, I was panting and sweating like crazy! Squatting, pulling the cords, and swinging that kettlebell gave me a workout from my chubby shoulders to my also chubby toes. We took a break after and I honestly felt like fainting. It's embarrassing. I thought I was more fit than that. Imagine, a ten minute circuit training drained all my energy! I stopped after the first round as I did not want to go to the hospital.
After catching my breath, I realized two things: one is that I underestimated the circuit training and two is that I really, seriously need to prioritize my health asap.
Thank you to 360 Fitness Club and Coach Carlos (Ortigas branch) for kicking my butt. I'll definitely be back very soon!
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