Now that Riley can verbally express his likes and dislikes, it is a challenge for us to explain to him why he cannot have certain things. We will be joining the Halloween trick or treat in our relative's village this weekend and while I cannot control what people will be handing out, I can at least make a list in case some people are looking for other things to give kids when they come to their doorsteps.
Happily handing out candies last year as he still had no clue he can eat them! |
Raisins - Small packs of raisins is a healthy option. Riley loves snacking on these and although they are sweet, I feel less guilty handing them out to him as a treat.
Popcorn - Pop a couple of bags in the microwave, pack them in small plastic bags, and you're done!
Small toys - They don't have to be expensive. As long as they don't break in tiny pieces!
Tetra Packed Drinks - Dutch Mill yogurt drink is one of Riley's favorite.
Fun size chocolates - It would not be halloween if there's no chocolate! Standard sized chocolate packs are confiscated by this mommy for immediate consumption!
Small packs of crayons, coloring books, light-up sticks are also great alternatives to giveaway this halloween. For me, I would probably handout popcorn if Riley does not eat all of it!
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